R&D in Food Industry
This course is ideal for food science students, food technologists, nutritionists, and anyone interested in the research and development side of the food industry.
Icebreaker and Introduction 
  • Introduction to R&D in the food industry
  • Overview of the agenda and objectives for the session
Research and Development 
  • Definition of R&D
  • Importance of R&D in innovation and business growth
  • Overview of the R&D process

Types of R&D

  • Basic research
  • Applied research
  • Experimental development
R&D Strategies
  • Open innovation
  • Collaborative R&D
  • In-house R&D
  • Outsourced R&D
Understanding Food R&D 
  • Presentation on the role of R&D in the food industry
  • Interactive discussion: Brainstorming session on food innovations and challenges
  • Group activity: Participants analyze food product labels to identify potential R&D aspects

Food Innovation Workshop 

  • Guided workshop on food innovation techniques
  • Hands-on activity: Participants create their own food product concept, considering taste, nutrition, packaging, and marketing
  • Presentation of group ideas and feedback from peers

Exploring Food Science 

  • Presentation on food science principles and techniques used in R&D

Future of Food R&D 

  • Presentation on emerging trends and technologies in food R&D (e.g., plant-based alternatives, personalized nutrition)
  • Reflection on key learnings from the session

Future Trends Panel Discussion 

  • Live panel discussion with experts on future trends and emerging technologies in food R&D
  • Audience Q&A session with panellists
  • Summary of key takeaways and action points for further exploration.

Date: Sunday, 2 June 2024
Time: 10:00 AM to  05:00 PM
Mode: Zoom Meeting
Medium: English
Fees: Rs 1180

Upcoming training programs – Implementation of HACCP in Food Industry