During fermentation, the volume of idli batter increases by 1.6 to 3.1 times, and the pH drops from 6.0 to 4.3 – Food Science | KATTUFOODTECH

Food Science & Technology Quiz (20-12-2021)

Q1. Idli batter volume increases ______ times during fermentation.

  1. 1.6 to 3.1 times
  2. 2 times
  3. 5 to 6.1 times
  4. 8 times

ANSWER: A. 1.6 to 3.1 times

  • Explanation: Acidification and leavening are the most important processes which occur during fermentation. During fermentation, the volume of idli batter increases by 1.6 to 3.1 times, and the pH drops from 6.0 to 4.3. As a result, idli’s sour flavor is both required and desired. To reduce the fermentation period and, as a result, modify the microbial profile of the overall fermentation process, soured buttermilk or yeast is occasionally added to the dough.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (20-11-2021)

Q2. _______ is a fermented soybean product.

  1. Khaman
  2. Kenima
  3. Dhokla
  4. Waries

ANSWER: B. Kenima

  • Explanation – Kenima is a fermented soybean product made in the Indian provinces of Nepal, Sikkim, and Darjeeling. Soybeans are soaked overnight, then dehulled and boiled for 2 to 3 hours in water. The cooled soybeans are inoculated with a portion of a fermented batch, wrapped in leaves, and fermented for 24 to 48 hours at 22 to 23°C. Kenima has a nut-like flavor when deep fat fried and seasoned, similar to tempeh.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (30-11-2021)

Q3. The substances which are added in very low quantities and do not alter the organoleptic and physicochemical properties of the foods are __________.

  1. Sugar
  2. Chemical preservatives
  3. Salt
  4. Water

ANSWER – B. Chemical preservatives

  • Explanation: Chemical food preservatives, on the other hand, are compounds that are added in very small amounts (up to 0.2%) and have no or only minor effects on the organoleptic and physicochemical properties of foods. The combined or synergistic effects of various additives, intrinsic product features (e.g. composition, acidity, water activity), and external factors are frequently used to preserve food products including chemical food preservatives (e.g. processing temperature, storage atmosphere, and temperature).

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology (10-12-2021)

Q4. An acidulant that has an unlimited acceptable daily intake is?

  1. Ascorbic acid
  2. Malic acid
  3. Citric acid
  4. Tartaric acid

ANSWER: C. Citric acid

  • Explanation: Citric acid is the principal acid found naturally in citrus fruits; because of its distinct flavor attributes, it is frequently employed (in carbonated beverages) and as an acidifying agent in meals. It has an unrestricted daily intake limit and is very water-soluble. It is not as effective as other acids as an antibacterial agent.

READ MORE –Food Science & Technology Quiz (20-10-2021)

Q5. _______ and its derivatives can be considered as a “universal” preservative.

  1. Benzoic acid
  2. Sulphur dioxide
  3. Sorbic acid
  4. Chlorine

ANSWER: B. Sulphur dioxide

  • Explanation – Sulphur dioxide and its derivatives are “universal” preservatives. They have antiseptic properties against bacteria, yeasts, and molds. It’s a colorless, suffocating, pungent-smelling, non-flammable gas that dissolves quickly in cold water (85 g in 100 ml at 25°C). Sulfur dioxide is added to foods for its antibacterial, antioxidant, and reducing qualities, as well as to avoid enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning reactions.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (19-12-2021)

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  1. Avinash December 20, 2021

    Please provide daily quiz

    • Kattu Food Tech December 20, 2021

      Hi Avinash.

      We provide Quizzes every day. Stay tuned.

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