FSSAI to set standards for ‘clove stem’ – Food News India | KATTUFOODTECH |

FSSAI to set standards for ‘clove stem’ – Food News India

Clove Stem is a potential adulterant in clove/clove powder or masala powder

FSSAI to set standards for ‘clove stem’ – Food News India

As per a new notification created by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), the matter in regards to norms for Clove Stem is being analyzed. Thinking about that “Clove Stem” is a possible debasement in clove/clove powder or masala powder, it has been concluded that till such time the norms for Clove Stem are told, it could be considered for testing against security boundaries (Horizontal guidelines) and unpredictable oil content on dry premise (a portion of the worth of clove, for example At least 8.5 percent by v/w) according to FSSR 2.9.6(1) which is relevant for cloves as entirety.

Considering this, all Authorized officials have been coordinated to work with import of Clove Stem by guaranteeing consistence to the level wellbeing boundaries and around 50% of the worth of “Unstable Oil Content”, for example At least 8.5 percent by v/w, as recommended for cloves (Laung) entire in guideline 2.9.6(1) of FSS (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulation, 2011.