Gelatinized starch provides a framework for gluten-free pasta – Food Science & Technology Quiz

Food Science & Technology Quiz (04-05-2022)

Q1. Which of the following component provides a framework for gluten-free pasta?

  1. Native starch
  2. Denatured protein
  3. Hydrocolloids
  4. Gelatinized starch

ANSWER – D. Gelatinized starch

  • Explanation: The gluten protein network provides the foundation for gluten-free pasta, whereas the gelatinized starch provides the gluten-free pasta framework. The gluten protein network and wheat starch granules maintain the wheat pasta’s structure and physical properties. Its digestibility is also influenced by the protein–starch matrix. A viscosity improver, such as HPMC or guar gum, is occasionally used as a gluten alternative in gluten-free rice pasta. Gelatinized/retrograded starch serves as the basis for the additive-free, gluten-free rice pasta.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (27-04-2022)

Q2. As a GMP, the distance of the equipment should be ____ cm from the walls and ____cm from the floor.

  1. 60, 30
  2. 80, 20
  3. 60, 40
  4. 70, 30

ANSWER: A. 60, 30

  • Explanation: GMPs define the procedures, equipment, facilities, and controls used in the processing of food. They are a crucial aspect of regulatory control over the safety of the nation’s food supply since they are the minimum hygienic and processing criteria for producing safe and healthful food. The equipment in a GMP-compliant food processing factory should be 60 cm from the walls and 30 cm from the floor.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (14-04-2022)

Q3. Which of the following is a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for food processing equipment?

  1. Less disassembled parts as possible in processing
  2. Flat bottom vessels
  3. Round edges of the vessels
  4. All of the above
ANSWER: C. Round edges of the vessels
  • Explanation – Cleaning is easier with more disassembly components. The flow of liquid out of flat bottom vessels is restricted after processing, and the leftover residual fluid in the vessel may harbor microbial growth. Cleaning is easier with round bottom containers than with pointy bottom vessels, and it is a GMP.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (24-04-2022)

Q4. Which of the following is the mechanism of the preventive type of antioxidant action?

  1. Suppress chain initiation
  2. Suppress chain propagation
  3. Suppress free radical formation
  4. Repairing damage caused by generated free radicals

ANSWER: C. Suppress free radical formation

  • Explanation: Antioxidants that function as preventatives work to reduce the generation of free radicals. Antioxidants that act as radical scavengers prevent chain initiation and propagation. Damage caused by produced free radicals is repaired by repair and de novo antioxidants.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (04-02-2022)

Q5. What percentage of media water is left along with the biomass after the dewatering step?

  1. 2 – 3 %
  2. 8 – 9 %
  3. 11 – 12 %
  4. 22 – 23 %
ANSWER: B. 8 – 9 %
  • Explanation – The dewatering phase receives 100 kilograms of input (60 kg media water + 40 kg cells). The dewatering stage produces 45 kg of biomass and removes 45 kg of water, for a total of 100-45=55 kg. As a result, along with the biomass, 60-55=5 kg of medium water is left. 5.33 percent of 60 kg is 5 kg.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (03-05-2022)

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