In India the degree of milling is set by legislation at 4-5 percent – Food Science | KATTUFOODTECH

Food Science & Technology Quiz (06-01-2022)

Q1. In India, the degree of milling is set by legislation at?

  1. 4-5%
  2. 5-6%
  3. 6-7%
  4. 7-8%

ANSWER: A. 4-5%

  • Explanation: The amount of milling determines the rice yield. The less brown rice that is polished, the less rice that is out turned, and the browner rice that is polished, the more rice that is out turned. In India, the degree of milling is set by legislation at 4-5 percent. However, rice is milled at levels as low as 1-2 percent (‘Government Polish’) and as high as 8-10 percent in practice. As a result, this method has a significant impact on rice yield.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (06-12-2021)

Q2. ______ is expressed as the ratio of the final to the initial volume or weight of rice.

  1. Expansion ratio
  2. Swelling capacity
  3. Degree of milling
  4. Soaking rate

ANSWER: B. Swelling capacity

  • Explanation – The ratio of the final to the beginning volume or weight of rice is known as swelling capacity. The water absorption capacity of parboiled rice, as measured by the swelling ratio, is much lower than that of uncooked rice cooked for the same amount of time. However, if raw rice and parboiled rice are cooked to the same softness, parboiled rice may absorb more water without losing its form.

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Q3. The Equilibrium moisture content is dependent upon the?

  1. Temperature
  2. R.H. of the environment
  3. Maturity of the grain
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: D. All of the above

  • Explanation: The Equilibrium moisture content may be used to evaluate whether a product will acquire or lose moisture when exposed to a specific temperature and relative humidity. As a result, E.M.C is linked to drying storage. The E.M.C. is affected by the environment’s temperature and relative humidity and the grain’s variety and maturity. Equilibrium moisture curve or isotherm is a representation showing the equilibrium relative humidity and moisture content of a particular substance at a given temperature.

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Q4. ­­­­In _________ method, the grain is allowed to come to equilibrium with surrounding still air without any agitation.

  1. Static method
  2. Dynamic method
  3. Rotatory method
  4. Both A and B

ANSWER: A. Static method

  • Explanation – In general, two approaches are used to determine E.M.C: a) the static method, and b) the dynamic method. The grain is allowed to come to equilibrium with the surrounding still air without any agitation in the static approach, but the air is often mechanically moved in the dynamic method. Because the static technique takes time, mould development in the grain may occur before equilibrium is attained at high relative humidity. The dynamic technique is recommended since it is quicker.

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Q5. In the _______ method, a disc sheller is used for dehusking and the huller is used for polishing the dehusked (brown) rice.

  1. Hand pounding
  2. Sheller-cum- huller mill
  3. Huller mill
  4. Battery of hullers

ANSWER – B. Sheller-cum- huller mill

  • Explanation: A disc sheller is used to dehusk the rice, and the huller is used to polish the dehusked (brown) rice in the Sheller-cum-huller mill process. The cleaned paddy is dehusked in a disc sheller and the husk is aspirated after it has been cleaned in a sieve. The stock from the sheller is sent to hullers for polishing, usually with a paddy separator in the middle. To separate the bran and tiny broken from the head rice, the mixture is sifted and aspirated.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (05-01-2022)

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