Purpose of fermentation in coffee processing is to remove Mucilage – Food Science | KATTUFOODTECH

Mucilage – Food Science & Technology Quiz (26-02-2022)

Q1. The main purpose of the fermentation process in all methods of coffee processing is to remove?

  1. Microorganisms
  2. Mucilage
  3. Skin
  4. Beans

ANSWER – B. Mucilage

  • Explanation: Purpose of fermentation in coffee processing is to remove Mucilage. Fermentation is a chemical reaction that breaks down complex molecules into simpler molecules, resulting in liquids and gases (volatile compounds). In all procedures, the major goal of the fermentation process is to remove the mucilage layer, which is high in polysaccharides (pectin), and reduce the water content of the coffee beans. Fermentation has a favourable effect on the quality of the coffee.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (26-01-2022)

Q2. Dry processed seeds are dried by sun exposure or by air dryers until the moisture content is about ________ to avoid bacterial and mould growth.

  1. 10–12%
  2. 3-4%
  3. 4-5%
  4. 5-7%

ANSWER: A. 10–12%

  • Explanation: To prevent bacterially and mould formation, dry-processed seeds are dried in the sun or using air dryers until the moisture level is around 10%–12%. Low rainfall during the harvesting period is critical, unless air dryers are available, to provide a decent quality coffee. Fruits are washed and de-hulled after drying. The dried skin and pulp are removed, leaving the mucilaginous material, which still has the seeds adhering to their surface.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (16-02-2022)

Q3. The semidry process is a variation on _________.

  1. Dry processing
  2. Wet processing
  3. Fermentation
  4. Separation

ANSWER: B. Wet processing

  • Explanation – The semidry method is a variation of the wet method. Pulped natural coffees are the outcome of a procedure that falls between dry and wet processing. However, the quality of coffee beverages created from pulped natural coffee can be said to fall somewhere between those achieved by dry and wet processing. Green beans that have been semi-dried are commonly utilized in espresso blends.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (06-02-2022)

Q4. The most important enzymes produced by microorganisms for degrading pectin substances during coffee fermentation are?

  1. Pectin lyase
  2. Polygalacturonase
  3. Pectin methylesterase
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: D. All of the above

  • Explanation: During the fermentation of pectinaceous sugars, microorganisms in coffee fermentation contribute to the creation of ethanol, lactic, butyric, acetic, and other higher carboxylic acids. Pectin lyase, polygalacturonase, and pectin methylesterase are the three most essential enzymes produced by microorganisms for decomposing pectin compounds during coffee fermentation. Pectin lyase catalyses trans-elimination of pectin, resulting in the release of unsaturated galacturonic acids.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (26-12-2021) 

Q5. _________ is a term also applied when water is added by spraying within the roasting section.

  1. Quenching
  2. Roasting
  3. Drying
  4. Fermentation

ANSWER: A. Quenching

  • Explanation – All roasters are required to have a cooling facility to bring roasted coffee to ambient temperature as soon as possible after reaching the desired level of roast (a process known as ‘quenching’). Quenching is also a phrase used when water is sprayed into the roasting area for the same purpose.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (25-02-2022)

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