Safrole is found in sassafras tea and makes up 85% of oil of sassafras

Food Science & Technology Quiz (16-06-2022)

Q1. The most commonly eaten mushrooms are the?

  1. Cultivated Mushrooms
  2. Shiitake mushroom
  3. False morel
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: D. All of the above

  • Explanation – The cultivated mushroom (Agaricus bisporus), the shiitake mushroom (Cortinellus shiitake), and the false morel mushroom (Cortinellus shiitake) are the three most widely eaten mushrooms (Gyromitra esculenta). All of them contain significant levels of hydrazine family chemicals, many of which are powerful liver poisons and animal carcinogens. Lung tumors in mice and hamsters are caused by N-methyl-N formylhydrazine, which is typically seen in doses of 500 ppm. On a per kilogram (kg) body weight basis, someone consuming a 100 g portion and thus absorbing 50 mg would be getting very close to the same level that causes cancer in mice after daily exposure.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (16-05-2022)

Q2. _________ is found in sassafras tea and makes up 85% of oil of sassafras.

  1. Asarone
  2. Safrole
  3. Piperine
  4. Limonene

ANSWER: B. Safrole

  • Explanation – Safrole is found in sassafras tea and accounts for 85 percent of sassafras oil (Sassafras albidum), which was historically used to flavor root beer. It is a tiny, natural component of nutmeg, mace, star anise, cinnamon, and black pepper, and has been forbidden as a flavor ingredient since 1960. Filé powder contains sassafras bark, which is used to make gumbo, a spicy Cajun cuisine.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (26-05-2022)

Q3. ________ is a major flavor component of nutmeg.

  1. β-asarone
  2. Isosafrole
  3. Myristicin
  4. Asarone

ANSWER – C. Myristicin

  • Explanation: Nutmeg’s main taste component, myristicin, is obtained from the dried, ripe seed of the Myristica fragrans tree. Myristicin, which is contained in the volatile oil produced with steam from the dried seeds, makes up around 2% of nutmeg. The arrilode, or outer coating, of the seed, is used to make mace, a similarly related spice.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (04-05-2022)

Q4. Glycyrrhyzin is a saponin-like glycoside derived from the dried roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra, popularly known as?

  1. Mace
  2. Licorice
  3. Pepper
  4. Nutmeg

ANSWER: B. Licorice

  • Explanation: Glycyrrhyzin is a saponin-like glycoside produced from the dried roots of the licorice plant Glycyrrhiza glabra. Licorice is ancient folk medicine that has been used for centuries as an expectorant, flavoring ingredient (also used to hide the bitter taste of medicines), and demulcent. Glycyrrhizin is hypothesized to be responsible for licorice’s hypertensive characteristics, which are caused via suppression of the β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (12-06-2022)

Q5. The major sources of d-limonene are oils of?

  1. Orange
  2. Lemon
  3. Grapefruit
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: D. All of the above

  • Explanation – Citrus oils include a large amount of d-limonene, which is also present in smaller levels in other fruits and vegetables. Orange, grapefruit, and lemon oils are the most common sources of d-limonene. D-limonene can be found in citrus peel oil at concentrations of up to 95%. d-Limonene and citrus oils containing dlimonene have long been utilized as flavoring ingredients and/or aromas in perfumes and soaps, as well as in a range of foods such as ice cream, soft drinks, baked goods, gelatin, chewing gum, and puddings.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (14-06-2022)

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