Synbiotics are combinations of probiotics and prebiotics – Food Science | KATTUFOODTECH

Synbiotics are combinations of probiotics and prebiotics – Food Science & Technology Quiz (31-01-2022)

Q1. _____ are combinations of probiotics and prebiotics designed to improve the survival of ingested microorganisms and their colonization of the intestinal tract.

  1. Postbiotics
  2. Synbiotics
  3. Antibiotics
  4. Both A and B

ANSWER: B. Synbiotics

  • Explanation – Synbiotics are combinations of probiotics and prebiotics designed to improve the survival and colonization of the intestinal tract by ingested microorganisms. Synbiotics are a fusion of probiotics and prebiotics products that aid in the survival and implantation of live microbial dietary supplements in the gut as a result of advances in microbial research.

READ MORE – Food Science & technology Quiz (31-12-2021)

Q2. ________ define prebiotics as a non-viable food component that confers health benefits on the host associated with modulation of the microbiota.

  1. FAO
  2. WHO
  3. FSSAI
  4. Both A and B

ANSWER: D. Both A and B

  • Explanation: The term ‘probiotic’ comes from the Greek terms pro and biotos, which means “for life.” Probiotics are defined as live microbial cultures of a single strain or a mixture of strains that benefit the host animal, either directly or indirectly, by improving its intestinal microbial balance, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (01-01-2022)

Q3. ________ are a cluster of phytochemicals containing sulfur that occurs naturally as glucosinolate conjugates in cruciferous vegetables.

  1. Isothiocyanates
  2. Phytoestrogens
  3. Fatty acids
  4. Dietary fiber

ANSWER: A. Isothiocyanates

  • Explanation – Isothiocyanates are a group of sulfur-containing compounds found naturally in cruciferous vegetables as glucosinolate conjugates. There are dietary supplements on the market that contain extracts of cruciferous vegetables, some of which are standardized to contain a minimal level of glucosinolates and/or sulforaphane. Isothiocyanates and their metabolites have been proven in studies to help lessen the chance of acquiring many types of cancer.

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Q4. ______ have its place in the group of carbohydrates known as non-digestible oligosaccharides (NDO) and is associated with human consumption.

  1. Organosulfur compounds
  2. FOS
  3. Curcumin
  4. Probiotics


  • Explanation: Inulin-fructooligosaccharides (FOS) belong to the non-digestible oligosaccharides (NDO) group of carbohydrates and have been linked to human consumption. Inulin offers several nutritional benefits, the majority of which are related to the formation of bifidobacteria, as evidenced by in vitro and in vivo research. Inulin shares all of the properties and health benefits of nondigestible polysaccharides (NDP), and it performs many of the same functions as dietary fiber.

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Q5. Colonic foods include?

  1. Resistant starch
  2. Dietary proteins
  3. Chitin
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: D. All of the above

  • Explanation: Colonic microorganisms have plenty of opportunities to break down accessible substrates, with the food providing roughly 70g/d. These are known as ‘colonic foods,’ and their metabolism is carried out via the anaerobic metabolic process known as fermentation. Resistant starch, non-starch polysaccharides, unabsorbed sugars, oligosaccharides, chitins, amino sugars, synthetic carbohydrates, dietary protein, and mucus are examples of colonic foods.

READ MORE – β glucans are the bioactive component present in Oats Food Science & Technology Quiz (30-01-2022)

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