Vitamin F – Rarely a seen term – Role of Vitamin F

Vitamin F consists of just 2 fatty acids which are essential to our diet

Vitamin F Rarely, a seen term.

Vitamin F consists of just 2 fatty acids which are essential to our diet.

These are alpha-linolenic acid & linoleic acid.

Alpha-linolenic acid is an omega 3 fatty acid.
  • It is found in flaxseed oil, and in canola, soy, perilla, and walnut oils. Alpha-linolenic acid is similar to the omega-3 fatty acids that are in fish oil, called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Role –
  • Decrease the risk of heart disease by helping to maintain normal heart rhythm and pumping

Linoleic acid is an omega 6 fatty acid.
  • We can obtain it from vegetable oils such as sunflower, safflower, soybean, corn, and canola oils as well as nuts and seeds.
Role –
  • It is metabolized to gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which serves as an important constituent of neuronal membrane phospholipids and also as a substrate for prostaglandin formation, seemingly important for the preservation of nerve blood flow.