Wild yam and fenugreek seeds are the main sources of Diosgenin

Food Science & Technology Quiz (22-04-2022)

Q1. __________ and fenugreek seeds are the main sources of Diosgenin.

  1. Wild yam
  2. Sweet potato
  3. Tapioca
  4. Corn

ANSWER: A. Wild yam

  • Explanation: Diosgenin is found in wild yam and fenugreek seeds. Fenugreek seeds contain 0.1 percent to 0.9 percent diosgenin, which is commercially extracted. Plant tissue culture from seeds grown under optimum conditions has yielded as much as 2% diosgenin, with lower levels of gitongenin and trigogenin. Tubers of the Dioscorea species, also known as wild yam, colic root, rheumatic root, devil’s bones, and four leaf yam, are used to extract a commercially valuable bioactive sapogenin.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (22-03-2022)

Q2. Which of the following is the most acceptable and cost-effective commercial method of ozone generation?

  1. Electrolytic method
  2. Corona discharge method
  3. Photochemical method
  4. Radiochemical method

ANSWER: B. Corona discharge method

  • Explanation: Corona discharge is the most widely accepted and cost-effective commercial ozone generating method. The corona-discharge element is present in the ozone generator, providing a capacitive load. As a result of the electrical discharge, ozone is created from oxygen. The stable oxygen molecule is ruptured by the corona discharge, resulting in the formation of two oxygen radicals.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (12-04-2022)

Q3. Among the various saponins present in fenugreek seeds, __________ represents the principal steroidal saponin.

  1. Gitogenin
  2. Neogitogenin
  3. Diosgenin
  4. All of the above



  • Explanation – Diosgenin, yamogenin, tigogenin, neotigogenin, yuccagenin, lilagenin, gitogenin, neogitogenin, sarsapogenin, and smilagenin are all saponins found in fenugreek seeds. Diosgenin (5, 25-spirostan-3 -ol) is the most important steroidal saponin among them. Diosgenin [(25R)-spirost-5-en-3b-ol] is a spirostanolsaponin that contains a hydrophilic sugar moiety coupled to a hydrophobic steroid aglycone, comparable to cholesterol and other steroids in structure.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (02-04-2022)

Q4. The fenugreek oil is mostly unsaturated and includes _______________.

  1. Oleic acid
  2. Linoleic acid
  3. Linolenic acid
  4. All of the above

ANSWER – D. All of the above

  • Explanation: Fenugreek seeds have a high oil content, accounting for around 6-7 percent of the total seed weight. The oil contains oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, which are generally unsaturated. Oleamide is found in fenugreek seeds at a concentration of 1.8mg/100g. In mouse research, oleamide was found to be helpful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Q5. Omega-3 fatty acid is the precursor of _____________ and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

  1. Linoleic acid
  2. Eicosapentaenoic acid
  3. Arachidonic acid
  4. Linolenic acid

ANSWER: B. Eicosapentaenoic acid

  • Explanation – Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), often known as Omega-3 fatty acid or n-3 fatty acid, is one of the most important bioactive nutrients. An omega-3 fatty acid is classified as an essential fatty acid because it cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through dietary supplementation. It is a precursor to the long-chain fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) when consumed (DHA). Omega-3 fatty acids are developing as one of the most extensively used beneficial substances in human health, with tremendous health advantages for the body and brain.

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