β glucans are the bioactive component present in Oats – Food Science | KATTUFOODTECH

β glucans are the bioactive component present in Oats – Food Science & Technology Quiz (30-01-2022)

Q1. The name of the bioactive component present in Oats is?

  1. β glucans
  2. Isoflavones
  3. Lycopene
  4. Omega 3 fatty acids

ANSWER: A. β glucans

  • Explanation β glucans are the bioactive component present in Oats. Protein, oil, starch, and beta-glucan are the key components of oats that contribute to their functions. Oats are a cereal that is unlike any other. It contains a significant amount of total proteins, carbs (i.e. starch), crude fat, dietary fiber (nonstarch), antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Phenolic chemicals, phytosterols, tocols, dietary fibres (mostly beta-glucan), lignans, alkylresorcinols, phytic acid, and other bioactive components found in oats are among the most important.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (30-12-2021)

Q2. The bio-active component in green tea is a polyphenol known as__________.

  1. Epigallocatechin gallate
  2. Phytosterols
  3. Quercetin
  4. Lignans

ANSWER – A. Epigallocatechin gallate

  • Explanation: The polyphenols in green tea are potent antioxidants. The most dependable and encouraging results for reduced cancer risk in breast, colorectal, gastric, esophageal, pancreatic, lung, ovarian, and prostate cancers have been found in studies employing human oral consumption of green tea to evaluate cancer risk. Epigallocatechin gallate, a polyphenol, is the bioactive component in green tea. The major polyphenol component of green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallets (EGCG), can be found in up to 200 mg per cup of brewed tea.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (10-01-2022)

Q3. _______________ is an active ingredient in ginger, a compound that is perceived to relax blood vessels, stimulate blood flow and relieve pain.

  1. Resveratrol
  2. Curcumin
  3. Gingerol
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: C. Gingerol

  • Explanation: Gingerol is a chemical found in ginger that is thought to relax blood vessels, increase blood flow, and reduce pain. It’s a common digestive aid that contains ingredients that help with motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting. This makes it a useful spice for persons suffering from morning sickness or chemotherapy side effects.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (20-01-2022)

Q4. The plant-based foods are loaded with _______ which are chemo preventers.

  1. Phytochemicals
  2. Water
  3. Vitamins
  4. Protein

ANSWER: A. Phytochemicals

  • Explanation – Phytochemicals, which are chemo preventers, are abundant in plant-based foods. These compounds work by stimulating the body’s defensive detoxifying enzymes or by inhibiting or eliminating mutagens and carcinogens’ actions. They can intervene at every step of carcinogenesis, including initiation, promotion, and progression.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (30-11-2021)

Q5. Lunasin is a unique cancer-preventive, anti-inflammatory, and cholesterol-reducing peptide found in?

  1. Cereals (barley, rye, wheat)
  2. Green leafy Vegetables
  3. Citrus fruits
  4. Meat, fish, and eggs

ANSWER: A. Cereals (barley, rye, wheat)

  • Explanation: Lunasin is a peptide found in grains that has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and cholesterol-lowering properties (barley, rye, wheat). Oats have the highest and most consistent lunasin content (0.196 mg/g). Barley is high in -glucan, phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, vitamin E, lutein, and zeaxanthin, and has been shown to have anti-cancer properties in human colorectal cancer cells.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (29-12-2021)

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  1. smayilvaaghanan January 30, 2022

    Very informative and useful

  2. [email protected] January 30, 2022

    Very useful and informative

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