Piperine the main component responsible for black pepper’s spiciness – Food Science | KATTUFOODTECH

Food Science & Technology Quiz (16-03-2022)

Q1. The alkaloid _______ is considered to be the major constituent responsible for the biting taste of black pepper.

  1. Chavicine
  2. B. Piperine
  3. Piperidine
  4. Piperetine

ANSWER – B. Piperine

  • Explanation: Piperine, an alkaloid, is thought to be the main component responsible for black pepper’s spiciness. Chavicine, piperidine, and piperetine are the other spicy alkaloids found in black pepper in lower concentrations. The presence of volatile oil in the cells of the pericarp gives pepper its distinctive pungent odor. Crushed black pepper generates 1.0-2.6 percent (up to 4.8 percent) volatile oil when steam is distilled. Piperine has been proven to increase the bioavailability of curcumin.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (16-02-2022)

Q2. _______ is the “standard” or most common grade of black tea.

  1. Orange Pekoe
  2. Orange Pekoe A
  3. Flowery Orange Pekoe
  4. Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe

ANSWER: A. Orange Pekoe

  • Explanation: The “standard” or most prevalent grade of black tea is Orange Pekoe. Most companies offering “orange pekoe” tea in teabags, on the other hand, are selling damaged grades. Orange Pekoe A, Orange Pekoe B, Orange Pekoe C, Orange Long-leaf tea with huge, thick leaves that might be tightly wrapped or more open in appearance. Flowery Golden Orange Pekoe differs from FOP in that it has a bigger proportion of tips. This is a popular grade found in African teas, particularly Kenyan teas.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (26-02-2022)

Q3. ________ have a maximum of 0 – 3 defects.

  1. Specialty grade coffee beans
  2. Premium grade coffee beans
  3. Exchange grade coffee beans
  4. Standard grade coffee beans

ANSWER: A. Specialty grade coffee beans

  • Explanation – Coffee beans of a higher quality. This is the highest grade of beans, and they must be free of cup faults and taints. When cupping, these beans must have a particular attribute in one of the areas of taste, acidity, body, or scent, and they must be free of cup faults and taints. There could be a maximum of 0 to 3 faults.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (06-03-2022)

Q4. _______ is the substance with sweet floral odors, whereas oils with high pinene content give turpentine-like off-odors.

  1. Caryophyllene
  2. Piperine
  3. Piperanine
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: A. Caryophyllene

  • Explanation: Sweet flowery odors are produced by caryophyllene, whereas turpentine-like off-odors are produced by oils with high pinene concentration. Trans – linalool oxide and –terpineol are the main components in fresh pepper. The pungent principles piperine and piperanine are well-known. The primary components of black pepper oil are βand α pinenes, δ-Limonene, and β-caryophyllene.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (16-01-2022)

Q5. Black pepper contains between ________ piperine by mass, and white pepper slightly more than that.

  1. 4.6% and 9.7%
  2. 1.4% and 4.4%
  3. 10.7% and 12.7%
  4. 13% and 16%

ANSWER: A. 4.6% and 9.7%

  • Explanation – Piperine content varies between 4.6 percent and 9.7 percent by mass in black pepper, and slightly more in white pepper. By weight, refined piperine is about 1% as fiery as capsaicin-rich chili peppers. The odor-contributing terpenes pinene, sabinene, limonene, caryophyllene, and linalool, which impart citrusy, woody, and floral notes, are found in the outer fruit layer of black pepper.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (15-02-2022)

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