Digestion of carbohydrates begins with alpha-amylase – Food Science Quiz – KATTUFOODTECH

Food Science & Technology Quiz (28-10-2021)

Q1. The digestion of carbohydrates begins with?

  1. α- amylase
  2. Lactose
  3. Sucrose
  4. Polypeptidase

ANSWER: A. α- amylase

  • Explanation: Because salivary alpha-amylase starts starch digestion in the mouth, the velocity of mastication and the period of permanence in the mouth, both of which are relatively short, are the initial parameters that affect the interaction between starch and the enzyme and can promote digestion. The enzymes alpha-amylases catalyze the digestion of starch. Endoglycosidases are enzymes that hydrolyze -(14) glycosidic linkages inside the chains of both amylopectin and amylose at random.


Q2. The muscle is capable of storing ______ g of glycogen.

  1. 250g
  2. 150g
  3. 90g
  4. 135g

ANSWER: B. 150g

  • Explanation – Every cell, including RBC, liver 75g, and muscle 150g, has glycogen. Furthermore, because muscle lacks glucose 6-phosphatase activity, it is thought to be incapable of net glucose release. As a result, muscle glycogen is only employed as a source of substrate for muscular contractions, not for maintaining blood glucose levels.


Q3. The liver stores of glycogen last only for?

  1. 3-4 hrs
  2. 6 – 8 hrs
  3. 8 – 10 hrs
  4. 20-24 hrs

ANSWER – B. 6 – 8 hrs

  • Explanation: Before 70-80 percent of muscle glycogen is depleted, liver glycogen will not be catabolized. Depending on overall muscle mass, intensity, and type of exercise, this could take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. The liver will next begin rapidly catabolizing its glycogen. If fasting, liver glycogen can continue for up to 6-8 hours after that, and when it dips below 20%, it begins the gluconeogenesis process, which uses lipids and proteins to maintain blood glucose levels. This process is promptly halted by a carbohydrate meal.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (17-0-2021)

Q4. The condition which results due to carbohydrate deficiency is?

  1. Ketosis
  2. Acidosis
  3. Alkalosis
  4. Glycolysis

ANSWER:  A. Ketosis

  • Explanation: When your body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy, it enters ketosis. Instead, it burns fat to produce ketones, which it can use as a source of energy. When you’re seeking information on diabetes or weight reduction, you’ll probably come across the term ketosis.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology (18-10-2021)

Q5. Hypoglycemia is associated with?

  1. Cardiovascular disorder
  2. Diabetes
  3. Cancer
  4. Respiratory syndrome

ANSWER – B. Diabetes

  • Explanation – Hypoglycemia occurs when your blood sugar (glucose) level is lower than normal. Glucose is your body’s primary source of energy. Hypoglycemia is frequently linked to the treatment of diabetes. Other medications, as well as a number of diseases, many of which are uncommon, can induce low blood sugar in persons who do not have diabetes. A fasting blood sugar of 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or 3.9 millimoles per liter (mmol/L) or below should act as a warning sign of hypoglycemia for many people.


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