The dried coconut meat is known as – Copra

Food Science & Technology Quiz (17-0-2021)

Q1. The dried coconut meat is known as?

  1. Copra
  2. Desiccated coconut
  3. Coconut chips
  4. Spray-dried coconut milk powder

ANSWER: A. Copra

Explanation: The dried coconut meat is known as copra, and it is the source of coconut oil, which is used in massive amounts to make baking and confectionary fats. The dried coconut kernels from which coconut oil is extracted are referred to as copra. Before the oil, also known as copra oil, is pressed out, the coconut kernels are traditionally sun-dried, especially for export. When dehusked, the coconut fruit is essentially a drupe derived from a tropical feather-leaved palm tree known as the Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). Copra oil contains a high amount of lauric acid.


Q2. _______ are the purest least processed type of oats.

  1. Steel-cut oats
  2. Scottish oats
  3. Whole grain oats
  4. Roller oats

ANSWER: C. Whole grain oats

Explanation – Whole oat grains, also known as whole oat kernels, are the most natural and least processed oats. The husk is removed during processing, but the bran and germ remain. This kind can take up to an hour to cook due to its low preparation. Fiber, protein, and vitamins are all abundant in whole oats. Whole oats contain a kind of fiber known as beta-glucan, which has been demonstrated to be particularly beneficial in decreasing cholesterol in studies. Oats include seven vitamins, including vitamin E, as well as a variety of minerals such as iron and calcium.


Q3. The main forms of lipids in oats are?

  1. Phospholipids
  2. TAG
  3. NEFA
  4. All of the above

ANSWER – D. All of the above

Explanation: Oats are unique in that they have 6–8% fat content, compared to 2–3% fat content in most other cereals. Oats also have a high proportion of PUFA (35 percent linoleic acid) and lipid-digesting enzymes. Phospholipids and TAG, which are vulnerable to lipase hydrolysis and conversion to NEFA, are the most common lipids found in oats. Lipoxygenases, which catalyze the conversion of unsaturated fatty acids (most commonly linoleic acid) into fatty acid hydroperoxides, can react with the NEFA generated by lipase, giving them an unpleasant soapy taste.


Q4. Applying live steam (steaming) and then applying heat for an extended period in oats to inactivate lipase and lipoxygenase is known as _______.

  1. Kilning
  2. Dehulling
  3. Flaking
  4. Parboiling

ANSWER: A. Kilning

Explanation: Lipase and lipoxygenase must be inactivated by heat denaturation to prevent off-flavor development before decompartmentalization. This is performed by first applying live steam (steaming) and then kilning (applying heat for a long time). Kilning has the added benefit of enhancing the Maillard reaction, which is a reaction between proteins and carbohydrates that results in pleasant flavors, browning, and the creation of antioxidant chemicals.


Q5. ________ are the most refined form of protein products containing the greatest concentration of protein.

  1. Legumes
  2. Nuts
  3. Isolates
  4. Soy

ANSWER – C. Isolates

Explanation – Isolate is the most refined form of protein product, comprising the highest concentration of protein but no dietary fiber, unlike flour and concentrates. They are quickly digestible and can be included in a variety of foods. Protein isolates are said to have aided in the development of a new category of manufactured foods. It has a high protein content, as well as color, flavor, and functional qualities, making it a perfect raw component.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (16-10-2021) World Food Day

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