Passive modified atmosphere

FOOD TECHNOLOGY (06-10-2021)

Q1. ___________ is a slow process.

  1. Passive modified atmosphere
  2. Active modified atmosphere
  3. Controlled atmosphere storage
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: 1. Passive modified atmosphere

  • Explanation: Passive modification is a time-consuming procedure. It necessitates responses between the fruit or vegetable and the gases surrounding it, as well as the package acting as a regulator. Passive MA is usually employed with fresh and little processed fruits and vegetables because of the packing materials’ selective permeability to different gases and product respiration.


Q2. Respiration rate is expressed as ________ per kg of fruit per hour.

  1. ml of O2 consumed
  2. ml of CO2 evolved
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

ANSWER: 3. Both A and B

  • Explanation: The rate of respiration is measured in ml of oxygen absorbed or ml of CO2 released per kilogramme of fruit per hour. Gas analyzers are used to determine the amount of gases present. The rate of respiration indicates the commodity’s storage life. A rapid rate of respiration is frequently linked to a short lifespan. It would also reflect the rate at which the fruit’s quality and food value are declining.


Q3. _________ occurs when fruits and vegetables are held at temperatures above their freezing point and below 15°C depending on the commodity.

  1. Chilling injury
  2. Freezing injury
  3. Freeze burn
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: 1. Chilling injury

  • Explanation – Chilling harm occurs when fruits and vegetables are stored at temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius, depending on the product. Fruits from the tropics and subtropics are more susceptible to chilling harm. Surface and internal discoloration, surface pitting, the appearance of water-soaked areas, necrotic areas, uneven ripening or failure to ripen, off-flavor development, and accelerated incidence of surface moulds and decay are all indicators of chilling injury.


Q4. ____________ is the most important environmental factor that influences the deterioration rate of harvested fruits and vegetables.

  1. Relative humidity
  2. Ethylene production
  3. Temperature
  4. Respiration rate

ANSWER – 3. Temperature

  • Explanation: Temperature is the most important environmental factor that determines the rate of deterioration of harvested fruits and vegetables; each 10°C increase over the ideal temperature doubles or triples the rate of degradation. The effect of ethylene, reduced oxygen, and elevated carbon dioxide levels on the commodity is also influenced by temperature. The temperature has a big impact on disease growth, and some pathogens are sensitive to low temperatures.


Q5. In ___________, an actively respiring and metabolizing product reduces the O2 and increases the CO2 in the ambient air within a chamber in which various barriers and restrictions to gas exchange exist.

  1. Modified atmosphere
  2. Commodity modified atmosphere
  3. Controlled atmosphere
  4. Hypobaric systems

ANSWER – 2. Commodity modified atmosphere

  • Explanation – In this method, an actively respiring and metabolizing product reduces O2 in the ambient air while increasing CO2 in a chamber with various barriers and constraints to gas exchange. Wax coating, inserting plastic covers with diffusion windows, manipulating transport containers or vehicles, applying polythene liners in shipping containers, packaging in film wraps, and using air-tight cold storage rooms are all examples of commodity-controlled atmosphere procedures.