pH of a meat sample can be estimated by – Food Science Quiz – KATTUFOODTECH

Food Science & Technology Quiz (30-10-2021)

Q1. pH of a meat sample can be estimated by?


B. Nitrazine yellow indicator test
C.  TCA method
D. None of the above

ANSWER – B. Nitrazine yellow indicator test

  • Explanation: The pH of a meat sample can be determined using the Litmus paper method, the Nitrazine yellow indicator test, or a pH meter. The nitrazine yellow indicator test involves placing a given sample of meat in a porcelain plate and pouring the nitrazine yellow indicator solution over it. The pH range will be inferred from the change in color of the solution. Meat with a pH of 6.4 has an olive green coloration and is categorized as having insufficient durability, whereas meat with a pH of 6.8 has a bluish violet coloration and is regarded unfit for human consumption.


Q2. _______ method is also known as defertilization method for eggs?

A. Water glass method
B. Thermostabilization
C. Overwrapping
D. Immersion in liquid

ANSWER: B. Thermostabilization  

  • Explanation: Because the thermostabilization process destroys the embryos, it is also known as the ‘defertilization’ method for fertile eggs. It entails putting shell eggs in hot water at 130°F for 30 minutes, which causes the albumin to coagulate, and then cooling the egg under tap water. Even in the heat, treated eggs are edible for 3 to 4 weeks. Despite the many benefits of this procedure, the egg loses a significant amount of its foaming ability. Furthermore, embryonic development in viable eggs is halted totally.


Q3. The most common organisms used as indicators in meat are?

A. Coliforms
B. E. coli
C. Enterococci
D. All of the above

ANSWER: D. All of the above

  • Explanation – The bacteriological quality of meat and meat products is determined by indicator organisms. Bacteria that are typically found when food is handled or processed in an unsanitary manner are known as indicator bacteria. Indicator organisms are tested because pathogenic organisms are difficult to test directly. The most common organisms used as indicators are coliforms, fecal coliforms (E. coli), enterococci (fecal streptococci).


Q4. ______ measures the carbonyl residues resulting from lipid peroxidation.

A. Thiobarbituric acid value
B. Saponification value
C. Tyrosine value
D. Iodine value

ANSWER:  A. Thiobarbituric acid value

  • Explanation: The amount of oxidative rancidity that has developed in meat is used to determine its storage stability. The TBA value is a numerical or numerical representation of oxidative rancidity in food. The development of a stale off flavour as a result of oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids is known as the rancidity of fat in preserved foods. The carbonyl residues leftover following lipid peroxidation are measured by the thiobarbituric acid value. Lipid peroxidation causes oxidative rancidity in foods, which can reduce the nutritional value of those foods.


Q5. ________ increases rapidly in meat stored at 7° C than at -10° C.

A. Fat content
B. Tyrosine value
C. Iodine value
D. None of the above

ANSWER – B. Tyrosine value

  • Explanation – The intensity of the blue colour produced by the folin ciocalteu phenol reagent in the presence of tyrosine is a measure of protein cleavage. Tyrosine value can be used to check meat quality by detecting proteolysis and measuring the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan in a non-polar meat extract. Meat held at 7° C has a higher tyrosine value than meat refrigerated at -10° C.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (29-10-2021)

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