Cereal starches are rich in Amylopectin – Food Science Quiz – Kattufoodtech

Food Science & Technology Quiz (29-10-2021)

Q1. Cereal starches are rich in _________?

  1. Amylose
  2. Stachyose
  3. Amylopectin
  4. Pectin

ANSWER:  C. Amylopectin

  • Explanation: Cereal starches are rich in Amylopectin. By weight, starch contains roughly 70% amylopectin, though the proportion varies depending on the source (higher in medium-grain rice to 100 percent in glutinous rice, waxy potato starch, and waxy corn and lower in long-grain rice, amylomaize, and several varieties of potato such as russet potato). Amylopectin is a branching sugar that is made up of 2000 to 2 million glucose units. It has 20–24 glucose subunits in its inner chains.


Q2. Oligosaccharides contain 2 to _______ monosaccharides units bound together.

  1. >50
  2. 100
  3. 20
  4. 10

ANSWER: 4. 10

  • Explanation: Oligosaccharides are polymers with a small number of monosaccharide residues (3 to approximately 10) joined by glycosidic connections, whereas polysaccharides is the term for larger polymers. Simple (true) oligosaccharides, which are oligomers of monosaccharides that give solely monosaccharides upon full hydrolysis; and conjugate oligosaccharides, which are oligomers of monosaccharides connected to a non-saccharide, such as a lipid aglycon.


Q3. Sucrose is obtained from _________.

  1. Potatoes
  2. Sugarcane
  3. Carrot
  4. Rice

ANSWER: 2. Sugarcane

  • Explanation – In specialized mill factories, sucrose (table sugar) is extracted from sugarcane. It is used to sweeten beverages, as a preservative in jams and preserves, as a decorative finish for cakes and pâtisserie, as a raw material in the food sector, or fermented to make ethanol. Photosynthesis produces sucrose in sugarcane leaves. The sucrose is then transferred to the stem by the phloem.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (19-10-2021)

Q4. Polysaccharides are generally known as __________.

  1. Glycans
  2. Gluten
  3. Branched
  4. Double

ANSWER – 1. Glycans

  • Explanation: All living creatures produce glycans, also known as polysaccharides, which are carbohydrate-based polymers. Glycans are important macromolecules that help with structure, energy storage, and system regulation. Plant, animal, and microbial glycans are classified based on their biological sources. Microbial glycans extracted from the fruiting body, spore, mycelium, or ferment liquor of fungus are known as fungal glycans.


Q5. Cellulose is made up of long chains of ___________.

A. Maltose and sucrose
B. Mannose
C. Maltose
D. Glucose

ANSWER – D. Glucose

  • Explanation – The main structure of cellulose is that it is a simple unbranched polymer made up of a long chain of glucose monomers joined by 1-4 glycosidic linkages. This link aids in the formation of microfibrils, which give plants their strength. By heating cellulose with concentrated acids at high temperatures, it is chemically broken down into its monomer glucose.

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