Potable water should be tested according to IS 10500 – Food Science – Kattufoodtech Quiz

Food Science & Technology Quiz (18-11-2021)

Q1. Potable water should be tested according to which standard?

  1. IS 10500
  2. IS 15000
  3. IS 17650
  4. IS 22500

ANSWER: A. IS 10500

  • Explanation: BIS (IS 10500 and amended module IS 10500:2012) contains standards in Uniform Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Protocol, according to the Central Ground Water Board. In the absence of an other source, this criterion has two limitations: acceptable limits and allowed limits. The water is considered unsuitable for human consumption if any parameter exceeds the limit. The BIS deems water unsuitable for drinking if it is bacteriologically polluted or if chemical contamination exceeds maximum allowed values.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology (18-10-2021)

Q2. Food-borne Botulism is an example of?

  1. Food infection
  2. Water infection
  3. Food intoxication
  4. None of the above

ANSWER: C. Food intoxication

  • Explanation: Microorganisms and their poisonous metabolites that might cause sickness in humans when conveyed through food are known as biological hazards. Ingestion of a prepared bacterial toxin causes food poisoning. Intoxications include staphylococcal poisoning and botulism. Microorganisms, for the most part, utilise our food supply as a source of nutrients for their own growth. They ruin food by multiplying, consuming nutrients, causing enzymatic changes, and adding bad flavours through product breakdown or the synthesis of new chemicals.

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Q3. Which of these disease is not caused by bacteria?

  1. Amoebiasis
  2. Typhoid
  3. Shigellosis
  4. Cholera

ANSWER: A. Amoebiasis

  • Explanation – Entamoeba histolytica, a protozoan parasite, is the principal cause of amebiasis. Consumption of infected food or water, contact with contaminated food handlers, contact with contaminated medical devices such as colonic irrigation devices, and pregnancy are all risk factors for amebiasis.


Q4. Elimination of all forms of bacteria is called?

  1. Pasteurization
  2. Sterilization
  3. Blanching
  4. Appertization

ANSWER – B. Sterilization

  • Explanation: Sterilization (or sterilisation) is a word that refers to any technique that eliminates (removes) or kills all kinds of microbiological life on a surface, in a fluid, in medicine, or in a substance, including transmissible agents (such as fungus, bacteria, viruses, and spore forms). Using the right mix of heat, chemicals, irradiation, high pressure, and filtration, sterilisation can be performed.


Q5. Another term for cold sterilization is?

  1. Pasteurisation
  2. Irradiation
  3. Freezing
  4. Blanching

ANSWER – B.  Irradiation

  • Explanation – Ionizing radiation is a good sterilization/disinfection agent because it kills bacteria without raising the temperature, a process known as cold sterilisation. It kills both eukaryotic and prokaryotic bacterial endospores and vegetative cells, however it isn’t always effective against viruses. When ionising radiation collides with particles, electrons (e) and other reactive molecules like hydroxyl radicals (•OH) and hydride radicals (H•) are produced.

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