Saffron’s major coloring agent is the glucoside ‘crocin – Food Science

Food Science & Technology Quiz (13-01-2022)

Q1. The principal coloring agent of saffron is glucoside?

  1. Crocin
  2. Picrocrocin
  3. Zeaxanthin
  4. All of the above

ANSWER – A. Crocin

  • Explanation: Saffron’s major coloring agent is the glucoside ‘crocin,’ while the bitter ingredient is the glucoside ‘picrocrocin,’ with crocetin and safranal rounding out the list. Saffron’s medicinal, flavoring, and coloring characteristics have made it immensely popular. Saffron’s main coloring ingredient is crocin. Safranal is the main flavoring ingredient.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (13-12-2021)

Q2. _______ is a Gram-positive encapsulated anaerobic non-motile bacterium commonly found on meat and meat products.

  1. Corynebacterium
  2. Clostridium perfringens
  3. Bacillus subtilis
  4. Acinetobacter

ANSWER: B. Clostridium perfringens

  • Explanation: C.Perfringens is a Gram-positive, non-motile, encapsulated anaerobic bacteria that is widely found on meat and meat products. It has the potential to induce food poisoning. C. perfringens enterotoxin and -toxin are active on the human GI tract, and it is a toxin-producing bacterium. It grows quickly in food (doubling time is less than 10 minutes). Spores can survive incompletely or insufficiently cooked meals because they are resistant to radiation, desiccation, and heat.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (23-12-2021)

Q3. The first grade of saffron is called?

  1. Shahi saffron
  2. Mongra saffron
  3. Lacha saffron
  4. None of the above

ANSWER: A. Shahi saffron

  • Explanation – The color, flavor, and general high quality of saffron are all determined by the way by which the stigma is dried. Saffron of the highest grade is made up of tripartite stigmas harvested from newly picked flowers and dried in the sun. Stigmas are sundried to a moisture content of 8-12 percent. This is the first grade (Shahi saffron).

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (03-01-2021)

Q4. ______ part of the curry leaf plant yields 0.76% of a yellow volatile oil with a neroli-like odor.

  1. Leaves
  2. Fruit
  3. Bark
  4. Root

ANSWER: B. Fruit

  • Explanation: Curry leaf of trade is the fresh and dried leaves of Murraya koenigii (Linn) Sprengel, a beautiful, scented, more or less deciduous herb or small perennial tree. The fruit may be eaten. It produces 0.76% of a yellow volatile oil with a neroli-like fragrance and peppery flavour, as well as a pleasant cooling feeling on the tongue. Volatile oil is present in 2.6% of the fresh leaves (curry leaf oil).

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (03-12-2021)

Q5. What is it called when the meat is improperly processed, and the pH level changes dramatically (decline)?

  1. DFD
  2. PSE
  3. Shrinkage
  4. Both A and B


  • Explanation – Even before body heat is dissipated by carcass cooling, a significant drop in post-mortem pH can promote the denaturation of muscle proteins. The condition of this type of meat is Pale, Soft, Exudative (PSE). Microbial development is prevented or slowed by the low pH. Meat quality is also affected by the pace of pH change after death. Denaturation of muscle proteins is caused by a low pH (acid) in the muscle.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (12-01-2022)

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