SDS electrophoresis proteins are separated on the basis of mass – KATTUFOODTECH

Food Science & Technology Quiz (24-10-2021)

Q1. In SDS electrophoresis, proteins are separated on the basis of?

  1. charge
  2. Mass
  3. Both A and B
  4. Structure

ANSWER – 2. Mass

  • Explanation: Because the ionic detergent SDS denatures and binds to proteins to make them uniformly negatively charged, SDS-PAGE separates proteins predominantly by mass. When a current is given to the gel, all SDS-bound proteins in the sample migrate to the positively charged electrode.


Q2. Gel electrophoresis separates molecules according to their ___.

  1. Wavelengths of light absorbed
  2. Polarity
  3. Solubility
  4. Matrix

ANSWER: B. Polarity

  • Explanation: Gel electrophoresis is a technique that uses size, charge, and polarity to separate DNA fragments (or other macromolecules like RNA and proteins). Running a current across a gel containing the molecules of interest is electrophoresis. The molecules will go through the gel in different directions or at different speeds depending on their size and charge, allowing them to be segregated from one another.


Q3. In agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA is moved towards the?

  1. Cathode
  2. Anode
  3. DNA does not move
  4. None of the above

ANSWER: 1. Cathode

  • Explanation – The technique of gel electrophoresis is used to separate molecules based on their size or charge. Because charged particles travel to opposite ends of the gel, they can be separated. Positively charged particles migrate to the positive pole, whereas negatively charged particles move to the negative pole (opposites attract). The positive pole in gel electrophoresis is known as the anode, and the negative pole is known as the cathode; thus, the charged particles will migrate to their corresponding nodes.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (14-10-2021)

Q4. If proteins are separated according to their electrophoretic mobility then the type of electrophoresis is?

  1. SDS page
  2. Free-flow electrophoresis
  3. Electro focussing
  4. Affinity electrophoresis


  • Explanation: Smaller proteins move quicker through a gel matrix when separated by electrophoresis. This is owing to the gel matrix’s lower resistance. The structure and charge of the proteins have an impact on the rate of migration across the gel matrix. The use of sodium dodecyl sulfate and polyacrylamide gels in SDS-PAGE reduces the impact of structure and charge, allowing proteins to be sorted entirely on the basis of polypeptide chain length.


Q5. Which functions by absorbing large portions of the spectrum while transmitting relatively limited wavelength regions?

  1. detector
  2. source
  3. Cuvette
  4. Filter

ANSWER – 4. Filter

  • Explanation – Filters come in a range of forms and sizes, and they can be used to remove or pass wavelength bands ranging in size from hundreds of nanometers down to a single wavelength. In other words, the amount of light that filters exclude or limit might be as tiny as a small band of wavelengths or as large as the entire visible spectrum. Many filters absorb light, while others reflect undesired light while passing a specific wavelength range.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (23-10-2021)

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1 Comment

  1. Supriya singh October 24, 2021

    Intresteing course i have to completely about this technology.

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