The size of starch granules varies from 2-150µ – Food Science Quiz – KATTUFOODTECH QUIZ

Food Science & Technology Quiz (02-12-2021)

Q1. The size of starch granules varies from?

  1. 200 – 250 µ
  2. 50 – 75 µ
  3. 2-150µ
  4. 125-250 µ

ANSWER: C. 2-150µ

  • Explanation – When starch is extracted from various sources, it is packed in granules that vary in form and size. These granules range in size from 2-150µ. The larger granules are easier to gelatinize, whereas the smaller ones are more dispensable. Tuber granules are often bigger and spherical, whereas grain granules are tiny and polyhedric. Legume granules may have kidney-shaped granules.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (02-11-2021)

Q2. The sum of starch and products of starch retrogradation not absorbed in the small intestine of healthy individuals is referred to as?

  1. Modified starch
  2. Acetylated starch
  3. Resistant starch
  4. Dextrin

ANSWER: C. Resistant starch

  • Explanation – A large amount of starch in the normal diet is resistant to breakdown in the stomach and small intestine, although this amount is difficult to quantify and is dependent on a variety of factors, including the type of starch and the technique of boiling prior to ingestion. Resistant starch is a kind of dietary fibre that is described as the total of starch and starch breakdown products that are not absorbed in the small intestine of healthy individuals.


Q3. The growth rings in the starch grain are due to ______ residues in a compact structure.

  1. Glucose
  2. Sucrose
  3. Maltose
  4. Fructose

ANSWER – A. Glucose

  • Explanation: In a compact structure, each amylopectin molecule includes up to two million glucose residues. The amylopectin molecule’s branching structure gives it a striped look, with knotted branch tips arranged in a row and smooth chains between them. The striped look of these molecules is visible under a light microscope, generating what seem to be “growth rings” in the starch grain.

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Q4. Amylopectin on reaction with iodine produces  _____ solution.

  1. Intense blue
  2. Reddish-brown
  3. Yellow
  4. Black

ANSWER: B. Reddish brown

  • Explanation: Amylopectin combines with iodine to generate a reddish-brown or purple solution because of its branching structure. Because amylopectin is so branching, it only binds a little amount of iodine, giving it a lighter purple-red tint. Depending on the kind of food, the ratio of amylose to amylopectin changes.

READ MORE – Food Technology Quiz (02/08/2021)

Q5. ________ component in the starch is responsible for the organization of starch granules.

  1. Amylose
  2. Amylopectin
  3. Sucrose
  4. None of the above

ANSWER: B. Amylopectin

    • Explanation: Amylopectin is the primary component of most starches and is important for granule structure. Amylopectin (without amylose) may be separated from ‘waxy’ maize starch (so named because the new surface looks vitreous or waxy when the kernel is sliced), but amylose (without amylopectin) is best isolated by hydrolyzing the amylopectin with pullulanase.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (01-12-2021)

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