TBHQ (tertiary butyl hydroquinone) is somewhat soluble in water – Food Science – KATTUFOODTECH

Food Science & Technology Quiz (20-01-2022)

Q1. ______ is more effective than any other antioxidant in providing oxidative stability to refined polyunsaturated oils without the problem of color or flavor stability.

  1. BHT
  2. Tertiary Butyl hydroquinone
  3. BHA
  4. Alpha-Lipoic Acid

ANSWER: B. Tertiary Butyl hydroquinone

  • Explanation – TBHQ (tertiary butyl hydroquinone) is somewhat soluble in water and moderately soluble in oil. TBHQ is more effective than any other antioxidant at providing oxidative stability to crude and refined polyunsaturated oils without compromising color or taste stability in many circumstances. In the frying of potato chips, TBHQ is said to have high carry-through qualities.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (20-12-2021)

Q2. Frying fat be regarded as “deteriorated” if the petroleum ether insoluble’s are 0.7% and the smoke point is less than ______.

  1. 120℃
  2. 170℃
  3. 90℃
  4. 150℃

ANSWER – B. 170℃

  • Explanation:  If the petroleum ether insoluble’s are 0.7 percent and the smoke point is less than 170℃, or if the petroleum ether insoluble’s are 1.0 percent regardless of the smoke point, a used frying fat should be considered “deteriorated.” The procedure is time-consuming and inaccurate because oxidation products are partly soluble in petroleum ether.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (30-12-2021)

Q3. The increase in _______ is used as a measure of thermal decomposition in frying oils.

  1. Diethyl mixture
  2. Polar compounds
  3. Dimer esters
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: C. Dimer esters

  • Explanation: Complete conversion of the oil to the matching methyl esters, followed by separation and detection on a short column in gas chromatography, is the dimethyl ester approach for assessing the quality of frying oils. The thermal breakdown of frying oil is measured by the rise in dimer esters.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (10-01-2022)

Q4. Changes in the dielectric constant of the oil can be measured quickly is an instrument known as the ______.

  1. Food oil sensor
  2. Gas chromatography
  3. High shear rate viscometer
  4. Infrared thermometer sensor

ANSWER: A. Food oil sensor

  • Explanation – An equipment known as a Food oil sensor can quickly monitor changes in the oil’s dielectric constant. Increased polarity is regarded as a sign of degradation since the dielectric constant increases with it. Good production methods include using high-quality frying oil with constant stability, as well as using property-designed equipment.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (15-01-2022)

Q5. ______ are the most widely distributed antioxidants in nature and they constitute the principal antioxidants in vegetable oils.

  1. Tocopherols
  2. TBMQ
  3. BHA
  4. BHT

ANSWER: A. Tocopherols

  • Explanation: Tocopherols are the most abundant antioxidants in nature, and they are the primary antioxidants found in vegetable oils. A relatively high percentage of the tocopherol found in crude vegetable oils survives the oil processing procedures and is present in adequate levels in the end product to offer oxidative stability.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (30-10-2021)

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