The head accounts for 10-20% of the overall weight of the fish – Food Science & Technology Quiz

Food Science & Technology Quiz (14-12-2021)

Q1. The head constitutes ______ of the total fish weight.

  1. 10-20%
  2. 5-7%
  3. 2-5%
  4. 20-25%

ANSWER: A. 10-20%

  • Explanation: The head accounts for 10-20% of the overall weight of the fish and is removed as an inedible component. Freshwater fish are normally deheaded manually, even though various mechanized deheading equipment have been created for processing marine fish. The main reason for this is a dearth of low-cost technology that allows for minimum tissue damage throughout the process.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (14-11-2021)

Q2. Fish: water volume ratio for achieving the desired level of cleanliness is?

  1. 1:2
  2. 1:1
  3. 2:1
  4. 2:3

ANSWER: B. 1:1

  • Explanation – The purpose of washing is to clean the fish and remove any bacteria that has accumulated. The kinetic energy of the water stream, the ratio of fish volume to water volume, and the water quality all influence the efficacy of the washing method. For obtaining the necessary level of cleanliness, a proper fish: water volume ratio is 1:1; however, in reality, more water is frequently used (twofold).

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Q3. The purpose of ________ is to remove those fish body parts most likely to reduce product Quality.

  1. Washing
  2. Deheading
  3. Gutting
  4. Stunning

ANSWER – C. Gutting

  • Explanation: Gutting is used to remove the portions of the fish that are most likely to degrade product quality, as well as the gonads and, in certain cases, the swim bladder. Freshwater fish evisceration is a time-consuming process that is normally done by hand. Gutting entails cutting down the belly (the fish may or may not be deheaded), removing internal organs, and, if desired, cleaning the peritoneum, renal tissue, and blood from the body cavity.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology (04-12-2021)

Q4. _______ is the process of separating the meat of bivalves from their shell in mollusks.

  1. Shucking
  2. Filleting
  3. Skinning
  4. Slicing into steaks

ANSWER: A. Shucking

  • Explanation: Shucking is the process of extracting the meat from the shell of a bivalve. Those going for the fresh market are often shucked by hand, which is a time-consuming and skill-intensive process. Each bivalve requires a slightly different shucking technique, and these techniques might range from one place to the next. The most popular method for shucking oysters, for example, is to insert the shucking knife through the oyster’s lip or bill, cut the abductor’s muscle, and remove the body from the shell.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (14-10-2021)

Q5. ______ is a process utilizing the natural water-filtering mechanism of shellfish to release contaminants from the digestive tract into clean and unpolluted water.

  1. Washing
  2. Depuration
  3. Shucking
  4. All of the above

ANSWER: B. Depuration

  • Explanation – Depuration (purification) is a process in which shellfish are kept in clean seawater tanks under conditions that maximize natural filtering activity, resulting in the expulsion of intestinal contents, which improves the separation of expelled contaminants from the bivalves and prevents recontamination.

READ MORE – Food Science & Technology Quiz (13-12-2021)

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