Tannins reduce protein availability – Food Science & Technology – KATTUFOODTECH

Food Science & Technology Quiz (14-11-2021)

Q1. _______ reduce protein availability.

  1. Phytates
  2. Tannins
  3. Oxalic acids
  4. D.Both A and B

ANSWER: B. Tannins

  • Explanation – Tannins reduce protein availability. Tannins are found in a broad variety of plants. They’re abundant in the seed coats of most legumes, spices, millets (bajra, ragi, sorghum), and a variety of vegetables and fruits. Tannins attach to iron in an irreversible manner, preventing iron absorption. Tannins may be present in an Indian cuisine rich in grains, legumes, vegetables, and spices. Tannins are also known to bind proteins, making them less available. Many different enzymes have been found to be inhibited, which might be owing to tannins’ protein binding properties.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (14-10-2021)

Q2. Drastic heat treatment is necessary to inactivate trypsin inhibitors of?

  1. Soya
  2. Lima
  3. C.Kidney bean
  4. All of the above

ANSWER – D. All of the above

  • Explanation: Trypsin inhibitors obstruct the action of the trypsin enzyme in the stomach by limiting intestinal proteolysis, which interferes with the digestibility of food proteins and reduces their use. Other dhal trypsin inhibitors are easily inactivated and cause no difficulty, while trypsin inhibitors from soya, lima, and kidney beans require more severe heat treatment. The trypsin inhibitors are activated by the heat treatment, which greatly increases the protein utilisation in these meals.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (24-10-2021)

Q3. The Food Group lacking in the sulpher containing amino acids -cysteine & methionine is?

  1. Cereals
  2. Pulses
  3. Milk
  4. Oilseeds

ANSWER: B. Pulses

  • Explanation: Pulses can be eaten whole, de-husked divided (dhaf), or ground into flour. Pulses are high in protein (17-43%), as well as a good source of lysine, which is lacking in cereals. However, they are low in sulphur-containing amino acids (cysteine and methionine) and tryptophan, which are abundant in grains. Pulse proteins are a good addition to cereal proteins.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (04-11-2021)

Q4. Energy requirement for an adult male is?

  1. 1900 – 3000
  2. 2500 – 3000
  3. 2400 – 3900
  4. 1200 – 1800

ANSWER – C. 2400 – 3900

  • Explanation – Human energy needs are determined by a variety of factors, including physical activity, body size and composition, age and sex, physiological condition, and climate and surroundings. The calorie needs for the respective age groups are reduced because to the lower body size and warm climate6 of tropical regions. Depending on physical activity, an adult guy requires 2400 to 3900 calories.


Q5. __________ are known to interfere with calcium absorption by forming insoluble salts With calcium.

  1. Oxalates
  2. Tannins
  3. Goitrogens
  4. None of the above

ANSWER: A. Oxalates

  • Explanation: Oxalic acid and its salts (oxalates) may be found in a variety of plant sources. Green leafy greens, green vegetables, and certain legumes (Horsegram and khesari dhali) are high in oxalates. By creating insoluble salts with calcium, oxalates have been shown to interfere with calcium absorption. High oxalate excretion can lead to oxalate crystals, which can cause urinary stones.

READ MORE – Food Science Technology Quiz (13-11-2021)

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