Food Science & Technology Quiz (01-03-2022)

Q1. Sterols have a double bond in the sterol ring hence known as _______. Polyunsaturated compounds Cholesterol Unsaturated compounds Trans fat ANSWER: C. Unsaturated compounds Explanation – Sterols are a class of steroid solid alcohols that are primarily unsaturated. Phytosterols ...

Food Science & Technology Quiz (28-02-2022)

Q1. The phytosterols and phytostanols are found in __________ foods. Plant Poultry Seafood Both B and C ANSWER: A. Plant Explanation: Plant sterols and plant stanols, often known as phytosterols, are cholesterol-like chemicals that are generated from plants. The sterol ring in plant sterols has ...

Food Science & Technology Quiz (27-02-2022)

Q1. Soybeans and soy-based foodstuffs are a particularly rich source of___________. Isoflavones Lignans Coumestans All of the above ANSWER: A. Isoflavones Explanation: Soybeans and soy-based foodstuffs are a rich source of Isoflavones. Phytoestrogens come in a variety of forms, one ...